Why Sheila Boysen-Rotelli?

Why Me? This is me talking now. I think my story is actually better than my standard third person bio. Here’s a few highlights. Find yourself wherever you’d like. 

  • I made two successful and adventurous career changes, one in my 20’s and one in my 30’s. I paid attention to every aspect of the human experience associated with those changes and I remember everything…seriously.

  • A decade ago, I felt something gnawing in me – – a frustration that I needed to solve. I knew I wanted to help people and make a difference.  I applied to a very competitive Ph.D. program. I got in. I studied Organization Development and Coaching to understand what motivates people, change, and groups of people to change. I listened. 

  • I made changes. I took calculated informed risks. I didn’t just “manifest” everything. I worked hard. Sure, serendipity hit me in the eye a few times but GRIT carried me.

  • I don’t know everything, but I know a lot of stuff. I care. I mean it. Like my dad said to me one day, “You at 50% is still more than most people’s 100.” My clients inspire me to rock the 110%.

  • I’m an actual coach, I don’t just play one on the internet (So important!). Being an inspiring person does not make someone a coach. A coach is a trained professional who has practiced hours of actual coaching and been adequately trained in the art, science, and process of coaching. This is totally separate from cheerleading. Cheerleading is a sport where happy people clap and jump for you. I’ll clap, but not jump.     

  • I’m also a seasoned recruiter and talent acquisition professional. I have been responsible for hiring people into large, small, public, private non-profit, for profit…….I’ve worked EVERYWHERE!

  • I’m not special because I did any of this. I wasn’t born on “special people island.” What’s possible for me is possible for you in your OWN way in your OWN time. I get scared. I get stopped. I wonder about how I am going to face uncertainty. Human being is the name of the game we are playing and you got this, you do! Seriously. I am a coach because I believe that.