Overcoming Work Burnout

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The Professional Success Podcast
Sheila Boysen-Rotelli

In today´s episode of ‘Professional Success Podcast’ Sheila talks about the various reasons for Work Burnout (Where you're just not able to or not feeling-up to going into work) and also gives some tips on how to overcome Work Burnout.

Episode Highlights: 

·      You might experience burnout, if you don't have much control over your work or if you feel you never have enough time to finish tasks and projects that you're working on.

·      “The consequences of burnout can be severe, your productivity can drop dramatically”, says Sheila.

·      Spending a little bit of time really thinking about your purpose or discovering your purpose can go a long way towards helping you avoid burnout and keep that stress at bay.

·      One quick and easy way to add meaning to your career is to be able to give back to others or help others.

·      When stress isn't managed well, it really can contribute to burnout, so we need to manage stress effectively.

3 Key Points:

1.     The common causes of Work Burnout could be when your values don't align with the actions or the behaviors, or the values of the organization that you work for or if you feel lack of recognition for the work that you're doing, or having monotonous kind of low stimulation work.

2.     When feelings of burnout start to occur, many people focus on short term solutions like taking a vacation and this can certainly help, but the relief is often only temporary. You also need to focus on strategies that will have a deeper impact and create more lasting change.

3.     You can avoid or even overcome burnout by finding ways to create more autonomy. Try talking with your boss to see if they're willing to let you have more control over your tasks or overdue dates, etc.

Tweetable Quotes:

·      “And then even having little or no support from your boss or your organization just the perception of that can be a big cause.” - Sheila Boysen–Rotelli

·      “This not only ends-up impacting your career but can negatively impact your team and your organization as well.” - Sheila Boysen–Rotelli

·      “Also, performing a little bit of a job analysis can really help.” - Sheila Boysen–Rotelli

·      “Burnout is a mixture of professional exhaustion, but also disillusionment with other people or an organization or your career path over the long term.” - Sheila Boysen–Rotelli

Resources Mentioned:

·       Sheila Boysen-Rotelli: Website    Podcast


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