Options Other Than a 40 Hour Work Week
In today´s episode of the ‘Professional Success Podcast’, your host Sheila Boysen-Rotelli, a Master Certified Career Coach, Recruiter, and Talent Development Leader talks on the topic ‘How to Explore Other Career Options without Losing Your Job’. She discusses the ways to start exploring alternative careers without putting your current career at risk. If you've been feeling stuck, looking for a change, but you've been a little bit scared about making a dramatic change, these tips would inspire you to take some low-risk action.
Episode Highlights:
· In the last few weeks, for various reasons, Sheila has talked to people about unemployment, overwhelm, disengagement, and reprioritization of what matters most professionally.
· Before you jump into that level of commitment of making that career change, the first step could be talking to some teachers about their experience of what they do, being thoughtful about it.
· Sheila and her consultant friend had a conversation and Sheila encouraged him to register for an online introduction to analytics class.
· The final option is to define your passion and find your transition in the house where you are right now.
· See if you can start networking and learning about the different roles you're interested in and maybe make a smaller step within the organization.
3 Key Points:
1. Sheila mentions that before you take a leap of making a big career move, choosing someone whose perspective feels relevant to where you are in your journey could be a little bit better. So, think about asking questions that will bring legitimate insights, try asking deeper questions. The answers to these types of questions might reveal a deeper layer of insight to help you make informed decisions.
2. Remember your contacts’ answers don't have to define your choice. They're simply a part of helping you make an informed decision.
3. If your passion or what you want to be doing might differ from what you're doing right now. It might be an option to see if you too can jump into the gig economy, without needing to make a huge transition all at once.
Resources Mentioned:
· Sheila Boysen-Rotelli: Website Podcast